Rafflesia arnoldi in Bengkulu

One gigantic Rafflesia Arnoldii flower reached full bloom on Tuesday at the Rindu Hati reserve forest in the Tebat Monok village of Kepahiang regency, Bengkulu.
Holidin, a member of a local group Kelompok Peduli Puspa Langka, which has been active in conserving the habitat of the rare flower, said the “corpse flower” started to blossom on Monday.
“Today it is in full bloom. We expect the bloom to last the next five days,” he said.

Rafflesia blooms for only five to seven days. It is a plant endemic to Bengkulu’s rainforests.
Visitors must walk 300 meters into the Rindu Hati reserve forest to observe the rare flower.
Another bud is growing within five meters of the blossoming flower, Antara reported. The emerging flower is expected to be in full-bloom within a month.

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